Playing with and loving on perfectly well-mannered dogs in the warm California sunshine without a care in the world must be the easiest, most relaxing, fun job in the world, right? WRONG!!!!
Playing and loving on dogs? Of course! But like any good parent, working as a dog supervisor at The Bone Adventure requires you to not only be loving but stern as well to correct problem behaviors for the safety of everyone.
So, you think you have what it takes to be a Boner??
California sunshine? Sure, most of the time! But sometimes that sunshine is over 90 degrees, and you are needed to stand out in it for long periods of time! And when it rains? Someone needs to pick up poop and scrub pee in the rain, too! And at some point it will be YOU! We work both indoors and outdoors 365 days a year, so if it is raining at 6:30 am on New Year’s morning… You guessed it! We are here picking up poop in the rain. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! The good news is that you will not be the only one… We are all expected to work holidays so we share the load as a team.
Without a care in the world? Not a chance! The Bone Adventure takes care of a lot of dogs everyday, each with different feeding/medication needs which requires a LOT of attention to detail. You have to pay attention to and remember who eats what foods, how much, and who gets which medications. And if a parent comes to pick up “Roxy” you will need to know which Roxy they are referring to out of the 5 we have here today, which means you not only need to remember the dogs and their habits, but the parent’s as well.

Easiest job? Heck no! Those Bone Adventure dogs each have different energy levels, moods, temperaments, and needs. Some dogs need more action, requiring a lot of your energy to work out their energy. Other dogs need less action, as they are prone to over-exertion and need to be monitored and kept mellow. Still other dogs have separation anxiety and need focused attention to calm them down when their parents leave. So you need to help each of those dogs. At once. Oh, and try to get Jake’s stool sample while he’s here today. And keep that other dog from humping Riley! And pick up that poop!!!!!!!! Ummm… NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun? YES!! But to be able to play with the dogs you also have to clean up after them. Does someone have diarrhea? You better clean it up quickly and let us know who has it so we can follow up with the parents! Did someone just pee on your leg? Oops! Did Sparky come charging inside playing chase and knock you on your butt in front of the webcam? Whoops!

All jokes aside… The Bone Adventure really is an amazing place to work. We love our jobs and love these dogs, and if you are a VERY hard worker who ABSOLUTELY LOVES DOGS, is not squeamish, and is detail-oriented, this can be a very rewarding job for you as well. We have been in business for over 11 years and many of our employees having been with us for several years – we think that says something about the job! This a family type of environment where you will develop lasting relationships with both our staff and dogs. You will see young puppies mature into adults, older dogs enter their golden years, and know that along each of their paths you were there making their life even better with your love! In the end it’s all about the relationships, so we are looking for mature individuals who are ready to love our dogs, clients, and fellow staffers as much as we do! Also, we LOVE students! We need people 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, so over time we can get you the hours you need that fit in with your school schedule.
If you really think you have what it takes to be a Boner, please re-read this. Then if you still think you have what it takes, please fill out an application! We look forward to hearing from you soon!!
(Click Here to download or view our application)