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Bone Home is our flagship location nestled in between two car washes in the ever changing industrial area of Costa Mesa/Newport Beach. Aptly named for its “home-like” environment, Bone Home provides the perfect combination of relaxation, exercise and love for your dog.


Whether 6 months or 10 years old, there is a great deal of excitement when they see the driveway at The Bone Adventure. After the first few visits, owners tell us that their dogs literally pull them up the driveway! Speaking of our driveway, after the first few visits, the owners tell us that they have learned how to drive into and out of our challenging parking environment at Bone Home!  There is a definite routine worked out with our clients, and you will find patient and helpful people to help you figure out how to get in and out swiftly and safely.


Click here for the link on how to navigate our parking lot.


6:30am – 9:30 am Checking in is quick and efficient, and your dog will first sniff through the retail area to see who’s here. He’ll have a pretty good idea before the door is even opened!  Then to the staging area, where we will hang up his leash and get him set up for the day. If we happen to be involved in a feeding, he may look at us with pleading eyes, telling us he really has not been fed when we know he has been…Sorry, Charlie.


Alas….it’s time to play, so he goes into either the Blue Room for the Big Dogs or the Olive Branch for the smalls….Let the day begin.


The mornings are most active for the dogs.  They love to see who their human friend is that day, and they spend the morning determining who is going to be the leader of this pack. While there is much posturing, the staff at Bone Home will quickly establish that they are the leader today, regardless of the dogs’ opinions.


The door is most always open between the inside and the outside for both Big and Small Dogs.  If you happen to be looking at the webcam and don’t see any dogs, just wait a minute and you’ll see a whole bunch run into view.  There is constant movement, especially in the morning.  If it is sunny, the kiddie pools come out and the misters start humming, to keep the area fresh and cool. There are several water buckets in each play area and they are supervised and water is replaced every half hour.


Noon is time for lunch, and several of our daycare and boarding dogs get an opportunity to relax and eat.  For dogs that didn’t eat breakfast, we want to try them again.  We feed many puppies lunch who are still on a three meal a day regimen. We also conduct roll calls mid day so we can check to make sure we know who all the dogs are and what special circumstances exist.


After lunch (for those who need it), the crowd mellows a bit….that is, unless a few new dogs show up to play! You may want to check out the Blue Room webcam where you will see the dogs lounging on the couches and beds for their midday siestas.


3:00 pm Dog are gearing up again.  It’s cooled down and they are raring to see what’s next.  Several dogs start looking through the windows to see if their parent has arrived yet.  Some of our regular clients start calling us at this time to make sure we get their precious pup a Fluff’n’Puff! Or, a dog may make a trip over to The S’Paw to get a bath, blow out, and a mani-pedi!


5:00 pm – 7:00 pm It’s that busy time again! While The Bone Adventure staff prepares the daycare dogs for their parent’s arrival, our boarding dogs head to a hotel room to enjoy their dinner. After they eat, it is back into the yards for an evening stroll (and one last potty break before bedtime!).


8:00 pm The Bone Adventure closes its doors to the public, and the dogs who are spending the night settle into the boarding phase of their stay.  Everyone’s eaten, they’ve made their final trip of the day outside, the dishes are done, and the dogs are Pooped!  The dogs are tucked into their custom hotel rooms for the evening and the overnighter settles in, because 6:30 am comes quickly!